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Sound Therapy in King's Lynn

The power of sound has been used and documented since ancient times and is used nowadays as a growing source for health and wellbeing.  Using sound for healing has been defined by Simon Heather, of the College of Sound Healing, as ‘the therapeutic application of sound frequencies to the mind/body of a person, with the intention of bringing them into a state of harmony and health’.

Paul Gant, founder of SoundsHealing uses his voice and ancient and modern instruments to work with individuals and small groups at his purpose built outbuilding in West Lynn, Kings Lynn.  Paul also organises regular monthly group sound baths at venues in the Kings Lynn and Norwich areas (please refer to the events page).  He is available for group sound baths and workshops in the Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire areas.

Sound Bath Events

About Paul

Paul has been a keen musician for forty years and is also a  drum kit tutor (please see  He has a BSc (honours) in Science.  A keen meditator since the mid 1990’s, Paul has also studied Reiki and is a practitioner.  Paul’s interest in sound healing began ten years ago when he discovered that playing a Himalayan singing bowl helped an existing neck problem.  Since then he has studied extensively with the British Academy of Sound Therapy and is currently continuing his professional development with the College of Sound Healing.  He has studied sound healing using voice, sacred drumming, gongs, Himalayan singing bowls and crystal singing bowls.  Paul believes passionately in continued professional development.

How does sound healing work?

Sound healing works by several principles.


Everything has it’s own vibratory rate (or frequency) and this includes each organ, bone and cell. When two objects have the same frequency and are in close proximity and one is activated (eg two tuning forks), then the passive object resonates in sympathy. Sound travels faster in water than air and the human body is made of approximately 70% water, so is a very good conductor of sound. Through the principle of resonance, and using the appropriate external frequency, sound can therefore be used to ‘re-tune’ the appropriate part of the body back to it’s optimum frequency, so balance is restored.


The principle of entrainment is linked closely to resonance. When two or more oscillators in the same field pulse at nearly the same rate, they tend to lock in and start pulsing at the same rate. The stronger vibrations from one source, will cause less powerful vibrations from another source to lock in to the dominant source. If the external oscillator therefore is the dominant vibration, (the voice or sound healing instrument) then the less powerful source – i.e. the human body will ‘lock in’ to it and be retuned.


The principle of harmonics refers to many notes being within one note. Within this note (the fundamental) are many notes referred to as partials. These notes are related to fundamental mathematical ratios and these ratios are present throughout nature. Harmonics give the voice or musical instrument it’s tone. Harmonies of each fundamental note produced can therefore affect many frequencies, so a fundamental note and it’s harmonics is able to reach the emotional and mental levels of the client and not just the physical.

Musical scales

A musical scale can be defined as ‘an array of chosen frequencies’, such as the doh-ray-me scale. Scales can be sung or played and affect our emotions and thoughts and work on the chakra system. Old traumas can emerge when using a musical scale, as they are released and exercises are provided to help the client deal with this.

Musical Intervals

Musical intervals are defined as ‘the resonance of musical space created by the sounding of two notes simultaneously or separately’. For example, the perfect 5th interval of C and G (in the same octave) is very relaxing. Other intervals can be less so, for example the 7th interval, which is dissonant, but useful to move and release blocked energy or trauma.


There are several body rhythms, for example the human heart beat of between 60 and 75 beats per minute. Repetitive drumming at an appropriate tempo, can slow down the heart beat by using the principle of entrainment previously described. A drum beat can also assist in slowing down brainwave patterns and introduce an altered state of consciousness. A drum beat during a sound healing session can also be used to locate and remove energy blockages.


Intention is a very important part of the sound healing process and can’t be explained in scientific terms in the same way that other principles can, but it’s effects have been observed. In Masaru Emoto’s book ‘The Message in Water’ his experiments have shown the powerful link between thought, words and the quality of the patterns of frozen water crystals. Typed words were placed on the sides of bottles of water, which were then frozen and the crystals examined under a microscope. Positive words produced beautiful crystals and negative words produced patterns that looked like the crystal had exploded. Tibetan mantras were also sung for a separate experiment and produced beautiful crystals, whereas heavy metal music was played to a different sample, resulting in a similar pattern to the negative words.

The sound healing pioneer, Jonathan Goldman, states that ‘frequency + intention = healing’. Positive universal energy is channelled from the sound healer, using the sound from the voice or musical instruments as a vehicle to reach the client. Equally important is the intention of the client, which can amplify the effects of the sound healing session.

Bija Mantras

Bija mantras are single syllable Sanskrit mantras that are the sounds of the chakra themselves. By toning over each chakra, balance can be restored.


If sound healing instruments are played in excess and insensitively, this can have a negative effect, so playing in moderation and having periods of silence during the session is very important. The silence is noticeably different after the instruments have stopped playing than before the session, as the higher harmonics created are outside the range of human hearing and are still resonating at higher vibrational levels.

What conditions can sound healing help?

Sound healing can be helpful at a physical, emotional and mental level.  It can help in the treatment of a range of physical conditions, ranging from arthritis and joint pain to IBS.  Also on an emotional level, it can help reduce stress and tension, so reducing blood pressure.  Sound healing can also help with the treatment of mild depression and the release of traumas.

Working with other therapists, groups and institutions

Sound healing is powerful and effective when working with other therapies.  If you are a yoga teacher and would like sound to be part of a workshop, then please give Paul a call to discuss.  Paul is also available to perform private sound baths for groups, functions and institutions.